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Category: Types of Insurance

Liability Insurance for Bloggers

Liability Insurance for Bloggers

While your average blogger might think that no liability is attached to writing one’s opinions, bloggers face law suits all...
Group Health Insurance

Group Health Insurance

One of the benefits of working for a company is group health insurance. Such insurance is purchased by an employer...
Liability Insurance and Your Business

Liability Insurance and Your Business

General liability insurance will help to keep the doors of the business open and operating in the event of lawsuit...
Workers Compensation and the ADA

Workers Compensation and the ADA

Social Security Disability Insurance, essentially the first American worker’s compensation plan, was loosely based on the Prussian system, a system...
What Is Landlord Insurance and Do I Need It?

What Is Landlord Insurance and Do I Need It?

Real estate agents sometimes mistake the size of the rental property in defining and talking about insurance needs to buyers....
Key Employee Insurance

Key Employee Insurance

What is key employee or key man insurance? Key person insurance is a business insurance policy which is taken out...