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Workers' Comp, Auto, General Liability Insurance & More

Commercial Insurance for Siding Installation and Repair Companies

Getting commercial insurance for your siding installation and repair company should be a no brainer. Not having the right coverage could leave you with huge liability and legal bills, costing you thousands, even hundreds of thousands - or even put you out of business.


Siding Installation and Repair Business Insurance


Why Commercial Insurance is important

Imagine if you are at a job site, you slip and fall off the ladder, tearing off a large section of siding, a piece breaks off and hits a passerby and another piece goes through the sunroof of a parked Mercedes, breaking the glass, denting the roof and gouging the side door. You broke your leg and injured your shoulder.

That's a lot of damage from one incident. Now imagine you have to pay all the damages out-of-pocket;

  • Your medical expenses - ambulance, emergency room, attending physician, setting your leg - $1800

  • Mercedes - replace the entire roof, repair gouges, paint job - $5500

  • Passerby medical expenses: $2500 - has a concussion and is threatening to sue you

  • Future surgery to repair your shoulder - $10,000+

  • Your lost income: $$$$

Commercialinsurace.net can help you customize your siding installation and repair insurance package to help mitigate your exposure and cover you and your employee's medical bills associated with an on-the-job injury, damage to property, bodily injury, personal injury, errors & omissions, commercial vehicles, loss of income, legal representation, and much more.

We specialize in protecting a range of contracting professions: carpenters, construction, welders, https://tivly.com/electrical-contractors-insuranceelectricians, plumbers, painters, HVAC installers, and siding repair and installation companies. As a siding installation and repair company, your risks are considerably higher compared to some other industries.

Whether one of your trucks tears up a section of a client's landscaping or a ladder falls off one of your trucks causing damage to another car and driver, with the proper insurance coverage you would have peace of mind knowing that your commercial insurance package will take care of it - top to bottom.

Factors that affect the cost of insurance

No two insurance policies are the same. Typically, contracting companies need more than one type of insurance product to fully cover their assets. Individual policies can end up costing you more--this is one reason we recommend you work with one of our expert agents. Commercialinsurace.net will only recommend the products you need and save you money.

There are many factors that can impact the cost:

  • Number of Employees - Your exposure increases in direct relationship to the number of people you employ

  • Your Location - If you are located in one city but do most of your work outside of that location you may experience a slight increase in rates  The reasoning here is that the further away from your central location, the greater the chance of an accident

  • Collective Expertise - Your employee's skill levels, as well as any certifications/formal education, can have a positive impact on your rates

Insurance Requirements

Chances are that you won't close many deals without insurance, driving business to the competition. Your license may require you to carry certain levels of liability insurance--without it, your license would be in jeopardy.

Additionally, neither a homeowner nor a business would be willing to take the risk of doing business with a company that is uninsured. Commercial insurance is not always required, but the consequences, as demonstrated earlier, could be disastrous. Let Commercialinsurace.Net help you get the coverage that you need and avoid any hassles.

Start with the basics

The reality of the situation is that you really can't afford to be without insurance. But you shouldn't have to pay exorbitant rates. Commercialinsurace.Net will find you the best rates for siding installation and repair.

Your Basic Siding Installation and Repair Coverages Should Include:

  • Business Property - covers your storage area, office, tools, equipment, and materials

  • Commercial vehicle policy- covers injuries to others, repairs or replacement of others' property (most states require this)

  • Collision insurance - covers damage to your vehicle

  • Workers compensation insurance --(required by most states) covers your workers financially if injured on the job

  • Liability insurance - covers injuries/damages from something that you do or don't do, including medical bills, repair costs, as well as legal fees if your company is taken to court

Is a Business Owner’s Policy Right For Your Business?

A business owner's policy (BOP) is an ideal bundled coverage for small to mid-sized companies, saving you money. Here is a list of what is included in a BOP:

  • Property insurance- covers buildings and contents

  • Business interruption insurance- covers the loss of income due to any catastrophe disrupting the operation of your business. It can also include the costs of operating out of a temporary location

  • Liability protection-  covers injuries/damages from something that you do or don't do, including medical bills, repair costs, as well as legal fees if your company is taken to court,  faulty installations, defective products, and errors & omissions in services provided

BOPs do NOT cover worker's compensation, auto insurance, professional liability, or health and disability insurance; separate insurance policies are required for these coverages.

How To Get a Quote

Commercialinsurace.Net is committed to helping you get the commercial insurance policy that best fits your siding repair and installation company at an affordable rate. Complete the form at the top of the page or give us a call to get started with your free quote!

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